Alfred Kpebesaane & Brittany Anjou – Nong Voru / Fake Love
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Nong Voru, translated from Dagara as ‘Fake Love’, captures the journey of xylophonist Alfred Kpebesaane’s (pronounced Kway-Beh-SAH-Nay) origins from the Upper West Region of Ghana to New York City, channeling a novel and eclectic collaboration blending traditional Ghanaian xylophone (gyil) with computer processing and electronic synths by keyboardist and producer Brittany Anjou. On Nong Voru / Fake Love, Kpebesaane’s characteristic vocal eccentricities are shouted atop his masterfully-played xylophone, Anjou’s melodic and at-times-detuned mirroring keyboards playing the traditional role of support xylophone, and the rarest of rare: gyil sampled into electronic sounds of ping pong fractals by Brooklyn-based electronic musician Michael Clemow.
- N Saa Kuuna Veso (The Orphan Song)
- Gandaakpina Yangmaa Domme (The Landlord Passed Away)
- Yuor Na Nume (Sweet Problem)
- The Women Are Taking Over The Men
- Nang Nyong Me (Be Poor and See)
- The Impossible Song
Alfred Kpebesaane – vocals, gyil (Ghanaian xylophone)
Brittany Anjou – Nord Electro, Casio 1000P
April Centrone – drums
Oren Bloedow – bass on 3, 4, 5
Michael Clemow – live computer processing on 4, 5, 6
Rich Bennett – recording engineer, mixing engineer, sound design compositor
Kevin Reeves – mastering engineer
All music and lyrics by Alfred Kpebesaane. All tracks recorded on May 28, 2017 by Rich Bennett at Acme Hall Studios in Brooklyn, NY. Additional recording sessions with Michael Clemow and Brittany Anjou at Acme Hall Studios, and Oren Bloedow at The Owl Music Parlor completed in 2018. All tracks mixed at Acme Hall Studios by Rich Bennett. All tracks mastered at Universal Music in NYC by Kevin Reeves.
Catalog Number