U/nu – Teknovortex Club – Sound Pictures From Professor Bad Trip’s Comics
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Teknovortex Club – Sound Pictures From Professor Bad Trip’s Comics is part one of a two-part sonic exploration of the work of influential underground Italian artist Gianluca Lerici (aka Professor Bad Trip) by Sicilian electro-acoustic composer U/nu (aka Rosario Di Rosa). Drawing on his experience in the Italian punk rock scene combined with his work as a graphic artist, Di Rosa’s immediately recognizable sound has found a perfect home paying tribute to the psychedelic, cyberpunk aesthetic of the creator of comics including “Psycho,” “Chiodo Spacciato” and “Dirk Dare, The Dark Surfer.” The intentionally rough and sometimes ironic sound of Teknovortex Club also cross-references mid-late 20th century cultural icons including William Burroughs, Philip K. Dick, Kraftwerk. John Cage and David Lynch.
- Non Addomesticato
- Tekno Cubicolo
- Nell’Ebbrezza Del Karma Katodico
- Island Of The Surfin’ Zombies
- Cyber Punk (Interlude Fx)
- Mondo Duplex
- Guarda Il Futuro, Scegli Il Rumore
All music composed by Rosario Di Rosa
U/nu: live electronics, tapes, semi-modular synth, mellotron
Recorded, mixed and mastered by U/nu between September and November 2021 at the “Bunker”, Milan
Catalog Number
Phase Duo – Generative Glimpse
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